Before I joined Freemasonry, I saw it as a secret society of intellectuals discussing political issues and trying to influence the world wherever they could. This could obviously not have been farther from the truth.
The Brotherhood was something that I knew of, without knowing or understanding what it was about, and the truth is that I was not much interested in investigating this further.
To my biggest surprise, one day, a good friend revealed to me that he was a Freemason. After discussing the topic on several occasions, and always facing the same “sorry, I can’t answer that,” he suggested that I join the Order and discover it by myself.
Being part of a secret society was, at that point, the most attractive aspect of it, as the curiosity to discover what it really was, became unbearable.
On a warm evening of November 2017, I met with my friend and the WM of his lodge, which would soon after become my mother lodge. I was given the opportunity to any ask questions openly; the answers to my questions; however, did nothing but trigger more questions.
Q. Is it a cult? I already have a religion; I don’t need another one!
A. It’s not a religion, but you must be a believer.
Q. Why?
A. Because we follow religious values in aiming to be a better man.
Q. But I already live by those values, why would I need Freemasonry then? Furthermore, I know many non-believers who are striving to be a good person.
A. Join, and you will see.
Q. What would be expected from me?
A. Join, and you will see.
Q. What would I get from it, and what would I bring to it?
A. Everyone gets and brings something different.
Q. Like what?
A. Join, and you will see.
Eventually, after validating that I could join and leave at any time if it was not for me, I decided to indeed join and see by myself.
What did I discover? Nothing that I expected.
People from all classes of society, all colors, all backgrounds, and all religions, meeting together around the same purpose.
I then realized that political discussions were not authorized and that my former perception of it was absolutely incorrect. Surprisingly, the main purpose was not to take advantage of but to give and share, which was really unexpected.
I am always striving to become a better man, with or without Freemasonry. Still, through Freemasonry, I can participate in making the world a better place, which does resonate with me.
When it comes to the rituals, some are passionate about the meaning behind the words, while I love to focus on delivering word perfect charges, which significantly helps me dealing with my ADHD.
Some are dedicated to giving their time to charity, but I prefer to support them financially rather than in person.
Eventually, I realised that what appeared to be the most frustrating answer at the time of my enquiry, “everyone gets something different. Join, and you will see”, actually appeared to be an absolute truth.
We all tend to mingle with people that are similar to us. Through Freemasonry, I am surrounded by people of all social classes, colors, or faiths. People who have different expectations and interests, but in the end, Freemasonry brings something special and personal to each and every one of us while still managing to connect us together to a much deeper level.
I am a Belgian and Israeli citizen; I started my career in finance in Belgium, moved to Switzerland, lived in Turkey, and eventually ended up as an advertiser in South Africa. Life is about openness, diversity, and changes to me; it is about growing by surrounding myself with people from all backgrounds, religions, and ethnicities; people with different visions and opinions, but who are nevertheless committed to living by the most important moral values, and this is exactly what Freemasonry is to me.
It is, therefore, an absolute privilege to be part of this amazing organization!